Anna University has announced the deadline to apply for participating in the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) from the earlier announced Last Date of 22nd February TO 28TH FEBRUARY!
A PASS IN THE Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) is mandatory to pursue higher (post-graduate) degree courses such as MBA and MCA courses offered by the government and private colleges.
Anna University undertakes the responsibility of conducting TANCET every year! As per this, TANCET for the Academic Year 2023-24 is scheduled to be conducted on 25th March.
Meanwhile, over the last few years the admission for candidates pursuing postgraduate courses such as M. E., M. Tech., MPlan, and M. Arch. Was also carried out through participation in the TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test).
However, this system has been changed this year (2023) and Anna University is set to introduce a new test for the candidates pursuing postgraduate courses such as M. E., M. Tech. etc.
As such, this new entrance test has been named – Common Engineering Test for Admission (CEETA).
The application for writing these 2 admission tests – TANCET & CEETA – commenced on 1st February. Accordingly, the engineering graduates have been applying for the above ONLINE by visiting the website: www.tancet.annauniv.edu,
It had been announced earlier that the last date for applying for these 2 tests was 22nd February. As such, acceding to the appeals from the students, and academicians, Anna University has announced that the last date to apply for TANCET & CEETA has now been extended until 28th February!