Especially during the winter seasons, it is challenging for us to manage our blood pressure. We could feel dizzy and have nausea etc. Bitter fact is that even if we are under the thick blankets our BP would rise during winter seasons. Point is that heart patients and BP patients are at more risk during winters.
Principle behind our BP shooting up during winters:
Our blood vessels would narrow or constrict as the temperatures come down. As a result, he heart muscles would be under pressure to pump blood and oxygen more rigorously. This could lead to an increase in blood pressure in us.
Managing blood pressure during the winter season:
By these ways, we would be able to manage or control our blood pressure from increasing during the winters.
By layer up:
It is worthy to note that cold temperatures could lead to constriction of our blood vessels and that could increase our blood pressure. For the sake of warmth of the body, it is essential to dress up in many layers. Blood vessel constriction could also be avoided by layering up.
By indoor activity:
For managing hypertension, physical activity is necessary. The cold climate outside could pose huge challenges and we would not be able to do outdoor exercises. In such a scenario, we could do indoor exercises. By this, we could manage our heart health and lower stress etc.
By eating healthy diet:
During winters, we could eat heavy foods. It is necessary to consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds etc. We must limit salt intake as it could lead to an increase in blood pressure.
By regular hydration:
Especially in the cold winter season, many of us forget to drink enough water. Truth is that even in the winters we must drink water throughout the day and that would help us to manage our blood pressure.
By stress management:
One important reason for an increase in blood pressure is stress. We could have more anxiety and mood changes etc in the winters. In such a scenario, we must follow stress relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and breathing exercises etc.