When a woman after her marriage doesn`t conceive or get pregnant, then the whole society blames her only!!
Point is that not just women but men also must be blamed for that. Not many men know that their habits would impact their sperm health, overall fertility etc. The superb piece of information is that by changing certain habits sperm quality would get improved and men would be able to his partner pregnant etc.
There are few habits that man must change while trying to conceive and these are
By quitting smoking:
It is true that smoking is the main reason for reduced sperm quality, sperm count etc in men. It has been proved by research studies that smoking would increase the chances of infertility.
By limiting alcohol intake:
Men would have lower testosterone levels and reduced sperm production etc if he drinks alcohol excessively. Sperm health would become better if men quit or limit alcohol intake.
By avoiding excess exposure to heat:
In cooler temperatures than the body`s temperature, the sperm production would thrive. Men must avoid frequent use of hot tubs, saunas or keeping laptops etc on their laps etc. Truth is that overheating could negatively impact sperm count.
By reducing stress:
These days, stress has become very common and the majority of us have stress due to various reasons. Fact is that testosterone production and sperm health in men would get affected by stress. Men must follow stress managing techniques like meditation, yoga breathing exercises etc.
By eating improved diet:
Sperm health in males would get affected when they eat a poor diet that does not contain zinc, folates etc. It is noteworthy that sperm quality could improve by consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains etc. For fertility sake, men must eat nuts, leafy greens and seeds etc.
By staying physically active:
Men could have superb health, improved testosterone levels and sperm quality if they do moderate exercises. Excessive exercises could lead to poor testosterone levels and fertility etc. It is necessary for men to have a balance with regular moderate intensity exercises.
By avoiding substance use:
Sperm quality and production would get affected if men use drugs like cocaine, marijuana etc. Truth is that these drugs would disrupt the hormonal balance needed for healthy sperm development. Men who are trying to conceive must not use drugs.