Known as Ali Vidhai in Tamil, flax seeds belong to the family Linaceae. Consuming flax seeds would be superb for our health. These seeds have fibres, protein, omega 3 fatty acids plus magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B1 etc in them.
Various health benefits of consuming flax seeds are
Good for digestive health:
Point to be noted is that flax seeds are rich in both soluble as well as insoluble fibres. Consuming flax seeds would help in digestion and we would have regular bowel movements. Issue of constipation would be eliminated.
Lower blood pressure:
For our heart health to be good, we must have good control of blood pressure or BP. Intake of flax seeds would help us to manage our BP well.
Supports heart health:
By lowering bad cholesterol levels or LDL, and reducing blood pressure, intake of flax seeds would improve our heart health.
Prevents cancer:
It must be taken into account that these seeds are loaded with lignans and potent antioxidants etc. These would protect the cells from damage. By this, the chances of getting chronic diseases like cancer would come down.
Helps in weight management:
Healthy fat and fibres present in flax seeds would keep us full for a longer duration. We would avoid over eating. Eating flaxseeds would help in weight management.
Helps in hormone balance:
It is known that lignans are present in flax seeds and these would help in the regulation of hormones. Especially during menopause, women would benefit by consuming flax seeds.
Stabilizes blood sugar levels:
By consuming flax seeds, we would have slow absorption of sugar and a sudden spike in the blood sugar levels would be prevented. This would help in stabilising our blood sugar levels.
Supports brain health:
It is highly necessary that we must have good brain health and for that consuming flax seeds would be superb.
Who must avoid consuming flax seeds?
Intake of flax seeds is not recommended for everyone. There are some people who must avoid consuming flax seeds. Point is that persons having inflamed bowel or bowel obstruction or narrowed oesophagus must not consume flax seeds as their condition might turn worse.