These days, a convenient option for many parents seeking alternative for fresh milk is powdered milk or dried milk. It must be noted that when water gets evaporated from the pastured milk, then we could get powdered milk. There is always some confusion among parents regarding the safety and healthy aspect of powdered milk for their kids. Point to be noted here is that when powdered milk is prepared and stored correctly then it is safe for the kids. Bacteria would get eliminated through rigorous pasteurisation and drying ensuring safety. It is noteworthy that powdered milk should never be used as a substitute for breast milk. The reason is that powdered milk would not have the essential nutrients for the newborns etc.
For the child`s safety we must take into account these three factors like following instructions while preparing, checking for allergies and storing it properly.
Health benefits of powdered milk for kids:
Powdered milk is rich in calcium and this would help in strong bones and teeth for kids. Powdered milk is a good source of proteins. While fresh milk could get wasted, powdered milk has a long shelf life. Finally, powdered milk would provide added nutrients for growing kids.
Safety concerns associated with powdered milk:
There is risk of contamination and storage regarding powdered milk. Bacteria like Salmonella could cause contamination of powdered milk leading to food borne illness. The young children with developing immune systems are at risk of getting food borne illness.
The lack of antibodies in the powdered milk is also a huge drawback. As a result, the kids could get infections etc easily. For atleast the first year, breast milk is suggested and powdered milk must not be used without consulting a doctor. Powdered milk can be added to the diet as drink, cereals, in cooking, choosing fortified powdered milk.
Drawbacks of powdered milk:
Parents must select those brands that are low in added sugars and free from flavours etc. Parents must read the labels before giving powdered milk to their kids. Dietary fat is needed for brain development in the kids and for that the parents must go for whole milk powder for skimmed milk. Bitter fact is that powdered milk would not have certain heat sensitive vitamins like C etc. Added sugars would be present in some brands and they are unfit for the children. Taste of powdered milk would be different when compared to fresh milk.
Avoiding powdered milk:
Those babies below 12 months must not be given powdered milk as they lalack certain nutrients for the babies. Those kids who are lactose intolerant must not be given powdered milk. Point is that kids with milk allergies must not be given powdered milk to avoid allergic reactions.