Having crossed 40? Then, women must know about these symptoms that occur in her.
It is true that the body of a woman would undergo various changes during her lifetime. The start of menstrual cycle in her teens and end of menstrual cycle in her late 40s are such changes that occur in every woman. The estrogen and progesterone hormones start to reduce when a woman crosses 40 and due to this she might get bone issues, weight increase, heart based issues etc, poor immunity etc.
There are very important symptoms that every woman above the age of 40 must know compulsorily
Chronic fatigue:
When compared to other symptoms, chronic fatigue is very common in those women above the age of 40. It must be noted that perimenopause and menopause that occur after 40 could lead to high exhaustion or fatigue in women. Moreover, anaemia could also lead to fatigue in those women who have crossed 40.
Hot flushes:
Perimenopause usually occurs in women above the age of 40. Night sweats and hot flushes would occur in these women. It is shocking to note that many women continue to get hot flashes etc even after 4 to 10 years after getting menopause. During hot flash, there would be sudden increase in the body temperature and women would experience heart palpitations, dizziness etc also. Change in oestrogen levels would lead to hot flashes.
Especially in the perimenopause and in menopause, a woman could get depression. Various depression symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, shame, anger, irritability, weight fluctuations etc.
Shortness of breath:
This is also one important symptom witnessed in many women who have crossed 40 years. It can be due to lung conditions like asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension etc. Shortness of breath can also be due to heart conditions like heart failure, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy etc. Women above 40 could experience shortness of breath due to obesity, cancer, neuromuscular conditions etc also.
Fluctuations in the hormones like oestrogen and progesterone after 40 could lead to migraines. This would make her life uncomfortable. Truth is that menstrual migraines could be more severe and longer etc. Migraines after the age of 40 in women could also be due to issues like hot flashes, poor sleep, stress etc. The Point is that migraines would start during the teteen age and would peak in the 40s.