An announcement has been released by the Indian Bank, a public sector undertaking for recruitment to fill up the vacant posts of Special Officers.
Applications are invited from eligible and interested candidates!
Details of Posts & Vacancies:
- Manager
Age Limit: Candidates MUST be in the age group 25-35
- Chief Manager
Age Limit: Candidates MUST be in the age group 27-30
- Senior Manager
Vacancies: 203
Age Limit: Candidates MUST be in the age group 23-40
Monthly Salary:
- Rs. 36000/- – Rs. 63840/-
Academic Qualifications:
candidates MUST have completed: CA, ICWA, and CFA OR MBA in the faculties of Finance, Banking, Management, etc. OR completed B. E. or B. Tech. in Engineering on any faculty.
Work Experience:
For the Post of Manager, a minimum of 3 years of experience is required. For all other posts, candidates MUST have a minimum experience of 5 years!
Application Fee:
Rs. 175/- for the candidates of SC/ST and Differently-abled. For all others, the Application Fee is Rs. 850/-!
Applying Procedure:
Visit the official Indian Bank website: www.indianbank.in. Apply ONLINE!
Last Date for applying ONLINE:
- 28th February 2023
For any further information, read the full announcement given on the official website of Indian Bank: www.indianbank.in.