On Thursday, the TN state owned discom, Tangedco had launched an initiative and within 2 days more than 60000 consumers have linked their Aadhaar number with the electricity consumer numbers. The reason for so many consumers linking these two in just 2 days was due to the fact that the process was made simple and hassle free. Information collected is that the link is available on the official website. Point is that the consumers could just click and enter their consumer number.
For verification, an OTP would be sent immediately to the mobile numbers of the consumers. It would also be possible for the consumers to provide an alternate mobile number too. It is now said that after the verification process the consumers must enter their copy image of their Aadhaar in jpeg format.
It was later mentioned by an official that the consumers would be able to do their linking while paying their electricity bills either online or at the nearest Tangedco office. Payment of electricity bills would not be possible without linking with Aadhaar number.
In another 2 months, tangedco is hoping to link a majority of domestic connections, powerloom and handloom connections with Aadhaar number. The linking would take place depending on the response from the owners.