How many of us eat a healthy breakfast every day?
Breakfast must not only be tasty for our mouth but it must also be healthy. These days, with lack of time due to busy work schedules etc many of us do not eat a healthy breakfast. There are many who skip eating their breakfast also.
It is noteworthy that bad cholesterol or LDL would build-up on the walls of the arteries and this could result in narrowing or blockages. By this, there would be more chances of getting heart attacks and strokes etc. It is superb to note that there are certain breakfast foods that would lower the bad cholesterol levels in us. These foods would provide fibres, healthy fats and antioxidants etc to us and would help in reducing cholesterol absorption and would clear LDL from the bloodstream.
Various breakfast foods that would lower the bad cholesterol level in us are
Intake of oats:
The presence of beta-glucan or soluble fibre present in oats would bind to cholesterol in the digestive tract and prevent its absorption. Our bad cholesterol would get lowered by consuming a bowl of oatmeal or adding oats to smoothies etc.
Intake of nuts:
Healthy mono-saturated fats and plant sterols present in nuts like almonds and walnuts etc would lower bad cholesterol in us.
Intake of avocado:
Monounsaturated fats and fibres are present in avocados. Intake of avocados would lower the bad cholesterol in us. We could consume sliced avocado with toast or blend to smoothies etc and consume also.
Intake of chia seeds:
These seeds are tiny and are full of omega 3 fatty acids and soluble fibres etc. These chia seeds support healthy cholesterol levels in us. These chia seeds can be added to yoghurt, smoothies or oatmeal etc and consumed.
Intake of apples:
It is said that consuming an apple a day could keep doctors away. Pectin is a soluble fibre found in apples and this pectin would prevent absorption of cholesterol. Apples can be eaten as fruits or it can be sliced into yoghurt or oatmeal and consumed during breakfast. The bad cholesterol in us would get lowered by apples intake.
Intake of green tea:
The presence of antioxidants like catechins in green tea would lower the bad cholesterol in us by preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. It is good to drink green tea during breakfast or even replace coffee or tea with green tea.
Intake of flaxseeds:
By consuming flaxseeds for breakfast our bad cholesterol would get lowered. This is due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids plus fibres and lignans etc in the flaxseeds. Ground flaxseeds can be sprinkled over oatmeal or smoothies etc and can be consumed by us.
Intake of berries:
Our cholesterol levels would be improved by consuming berries like blueberry, strawberries etc that are full of antioxidants and soluble fibres etc. They could be added to cereal or oatmeal or smoothies and consumed during breakfast.