If not managed well, then high blood pressure or high BP or hypertension can result in serious health issues such as heart diseases , kidney disease etc. Therefore, we must be careful regarding high blood pressure. Persons who have high BP would show several symptoms like severe headaches, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting etc.
Many of us would feel really surprised to know that our high BP could be managed by vegetables intake. Yes, it`s true.
How will the intake of vegetables lower BP in us?
As the vegetables have essential nutrients in them, they are good for our heart health. Certain vegetables would help us to manage high BP by relaxing our blood vessels, balancing electrolytes and by lowering inflammation etc.
Various vegetables that will help us to manage high BP are
Intake of spinach:
There are important minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium present in spinach and consuming this vegetable would help us to maintain healthy BP. There would be better blood circulation in us by the high nitrate present in spinach.
Intake of beetroot:
By eating beetroot, we could manage our blood pressure well. The nitrates present in beetroot would be converted into nitric oxide by the body and this would help in the reduction in the blood pressure.
Intake of broccoli:
Broccoli is rich in potassium and antioxidants etc and it is good for heart health. Oxidative stress and inflammation would be reduced by means of sulforaphane present in broccoli. This would lower the blood pressure in us.
Intake of carrots:
Rich in potassium and beta carotene, carrots would boost our cardiovascular health. By eating raw carrots, our blood pressure would be managed well.
Intake of celery:
When we eat celery, the walls of our arteries would relax due to the presence of phthalides in the celery. This would help in blood flow. Our systolic BP levels would be reduced by regular intake of celery.
Intake of kale:
Potassium and magnesiuium are present in kale. It is noteworthy that kale due to its low calorie and high fibre content would regulate our blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
Intake of tomatoes:
It is known that tomatoes contain lycopene and potassium. Especially lycopene would lower our hypertension.
Intake of green beans:
When we consume green beans containing low sodium and high potassium, then our blood pressure would be maintained well. Our heart health would be boosted by intake of green beans containing fibres and antioxidant properties etc.
Intake of sweet potatoes:
The sodium levels in us would be balanced by potassium and magnesium present in sweet potatoes. Presence of fibres in sweet potatoes would help us to manage blood pressure well. Heart health would become better.