There are more people with diabetes or high blood sugar levels now than it was a decade back and it is shocking. It is highly necessary to keep diabetes in control if not then there are chances of getting serious health complications. Those with diabetes try various ways to keep their blood sugar in check. It is worthy to note that chewing fennel seeds before sleeping would lower the symptoms of diabetes. Point to be noted is that fennel seeds have iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin C etc in them.
Reasons why persons with diabetes must consume fennel seeds before bed are
Helps in blood sugar control:
It must be noted that fennel seeds have antioxidants and these would help in sugar metabolism. Insulin production would be increased by means of phytochemicals in the fennel seeds and due to this blood sugar levels would be managed. Hence, those with diabetes must chew some fennel seeds before sleeping.
Prevents constipation:
Persons with diabetes must chew fennel seeds. By this, they would be able to avoid constipation issues. Information is that fennel seeds chewing at night would increase the metabolic rate of the stomach and would speed up bowel movement. The fennel seeds would add bulk to stools and due to that stools could be passed out easily by the diabetic persons.
Lowers the risk of retinopathy:
Vitamin A is very much needed for eye health. By chewing fennel seeds, the diabetic persons would get good eye health. Fennel seeds would also help the diabetic persons to avoid glaucoma. It must be taken into account that chewing fennel seeds before sleep would lower the risk of getting retinopathy.
Several other common benefits of fennel seeds are
Avoids obesity:
Consuming a glass of fennel seeds water in the morning would help us to lose our excess weight. This would help us to avoid becoming obese.
Manages blood pressure:
The amount of digestive enzymes in saliva would increase when we chew fennel seeds and this would help in controlling the blood pressure.
Eliminated bad breath:
This issue is present in many people now and these people find it difficult. By chewing fennel seeds, they would be able to avoidid bad breath issues.
Good for respiratory health;
It must be noted that chewing fennel seeds would decongest the lungs and help in smooth breathing etc.