Not only the Coronavirus infections are causing issues for the public but also other diseases too!!
like It was mentioned by the Tamil Nadu Public Health Department officers that all over the state of TN mosquito eradication activity is being carried out vigorously If any cases of dengue, chikungunya, malaria, japanese encephalitis etc are identified at the fever camps, then the district administrations have been given strict instructions to report these cases immediately.
Many field workers are engaged in Coronavirus prevention works and they have been asked to concentrate on the mosquito eradication works and bacterial infections prevention works. Truth is that the government has got the necessary medicines and facilities to treat the fever.
The TN Public Health Department later highlighted that after the heavy rains necessary actions were being taken to prevent waterlogging in the public places like roads and streets etc. Steps have been taken to remove items such as tires, broken pottery,paint cans, coconut husks and other uneated plastic items etc as these items could help in the mosquitoes breeding.
Across the state of Tamil Nadu till now, as many as 4806 have been diagnosed with dengue fever, 140 persons with chikungunya, 279 persons with malaria and 1470 persons with rat fever called leptospirosis and 2455 persons with scrub typhus etc. It is learnt that when compared to 2021 in 2022 diseases like rat fever and scrub typhus have become more in the state. Fewer than 25 persons have been affected with Japanese brain fever and nobody has died due to this till now.