Anna University has announced that the first-year graduate engineering classes are set to commence on 28th November.
There are 148811 seats available in 446 Engineering Colleges functioning under Anna University. The counselling for the applicants to join these courses with the above seats available is generally conducted in 4 Phases. This academic year's counselling commenced on 20th August. And is in progress. As of now, 3 Phases of counselling are complete and 58307 seats have been filled!
To fill up the balance seats, the final phase of counselling commenced on 29th August. To fill up the balance of available seats, the final phase of counselling commenced on 29th October. 61771 candidates were invited to participate in this final phase of counselling.
Out of these seats, 39350 seats have been allotted for the common or general card and for candidates who studied in the Government High Schools, 4563 seats have been allotted with the preferred colleges by these candidates temporarily.
In this situation, the third Phase of counselling for candidates to join the 2022-23 academic year graduate engineering courses (B. E., B. Tech.) has been completed. As such, Anna University has announced that the first-year classes for the graduate engineering courses will commence on28th November.
Further, to make attending regular classes easier, it has been advised to the engineering colleges to COMMENCE INTRODUCTORY CLASSES BY 14TH NOVEMBER ITSELF!
Anna University has further announced that the semester examinations are to be conducted by the end of March next year (2023).