If there is one profession in this world that would make many others happy, then it must be the doctor`s profession!!
It is only the doctors who can save the lives of many people by treating them and by this they would bring lots of happiness in the lives of many. The news that has come out now is that the TN govt has ordered the doctors who have completed their masters degrees to work for 5 years in the government hospitals.
Currently, there are 2100 MD and MS post graduate or master degrees courses present across various medical colleges in TN. Out of the total 2100 seats 1050 seats are reserved for the All India Quota. It must be noted that out of the remaining 1050 seats 50% seats are reserved for the students working in the primary health centres or PHCs and the government hospitals present in the remote places.
Now, the application process of the students for the PG medical courses has started for the academic year 2023-24 in TN. In this scenario, the TN govt has passed an order mentioning that those who join PG medical seats based on the quota for the govt doctors must compulsorily work in the govt hospitals for 5 years.
The DME or directorate of medical education mentioned that the doctors who study PG in the quota reserved for government doctors usually work alone or go abroad for their work. As a result, the places allotted by the govt plus the money spent get wasted. To stop this, there was a rule that after completing their PG studies the doctors must work for 2 years in the government hospitals.
From this academic year this (compulsory working in the govt hospitals for the PG completed doctors) has been increased to 5 years. It is now revealed that the diploma students who do not want to work for 5 years in the govt hospitals must pay Rs 20 lakhs and master degree students who don`t want to work for 5 years in the govt hospitals must pay Rs 40 lakhs. If not, their certificates would not be issued.