The Minister for School Education of the Tamil Nadu State Government, Anbil Magesh has informed us that the results of the Public Examinations conducted for the students of the 12th Standard (+2) will be released on 5th May!
The dates for the practical examinations have been changed.
The Public Examinations will be conducted from 6th April to 20th April for the 10th Standard, from 14th March to 5th April for the 11th Standard (+1), and from 13th March to 3rd April for the 12th Standard (+2).
All public Examinations are scheduled to be conducted from 13th March until 20th April!
In this scenario, a detailed review meeting was conducted on the preparatory activities for conducting the Public Examinations mentioned above at the Chennai Metro City Anna Cene=tenary Library, presided over by the Tamil Nadu State Minister for School Education Anbil Magesh.
The Chief Secretary of the Department of School Education of the Tamil Nadu State Government Kakarla Usha, Commissioner Nandhakumar, and the Director of the Board of Education the guidelines for the preparatory activities for conducting the Public Examinations Sethurama Varma participated in this meeting and explained The Primary Education Officers explained the guidelines for the preparatory activities for conducting the Public Examinations to the Primary Education Officers and the District Education Officers.
Subsequently, the Minister for School Education, Anbil Magesh had a session with the press reporters. He shared:
“All preparatory activities for the smooth conduct of the Public Examinations have been undertaken.
The dates for the release of the results of the Public Examinations have been finalized!
The results of the Public Examinations for the 12th Standard (+2) will be released on 5th May, on 17th May for the 10th Standard and on 19th May for the 11th Standard (+1).
Arrangements have been made for the distribution of the collection of books and the old question papers prepared by the `Parent-Teachers association to the students writing the Public Examinations to make them aware of the format of the question papers!”