Reservation for the Pongal Special Trains from Chennai Metro City to Thirunelveli, Nagercoil and Kerala commences today – Thursday, 29th December!
In a notification released by the Southern Railway in this regard, it is mentioned:
“Special Trains are to be operated on the occasion of Pongal Festival from Tambaram to Thirunelveli and Nagercoil on 12rth, 13th, and 16th January 2023 (06021, 06041, & 06057).
Further special trains are to be operated on the occasion of the Pongal Festival to Kerala State Ernakulum on 12th January 2023 and Kokkaveli on 17th January (06046 and 06044).
Booking reservation for tickets for the above-mentioned trains COMMENCES TODAY – THURSDAY, 29TH DECEMBER!”